Friday, September 04, 2009

a Prof is born…

It started small: supervising a few shifts in the agency, giving a few guest talks. But there was a little flicker deep inside of me that responded early on to being in front of a class full of people. I loved being able to encourage a discussion during which new ideas were explored – and most of all, I was hooked on the rush that came from seeing the light bulb go on for a student. And let me tell you, I have learned as much from my students as they have from me. Teaching compels me to keep current on trends in the practice, and to keep true to the highest standards and principles of our profession.

Over time, I’ve had the chance to teach almost every core course in Algonquin's PR program. I taught full-time through two sabbaticals, and in the early years supplemented my growing consulting business with part-time teaching. I have been pleased to see how technological developments have made much of the more mundane aspects of teaching easier, and allowed for more innovation in the classroom. I am taking this year off from the College classroom to focus on our program's anniversary celebrations, and to explore more of the newest teaching tools and models including those for delivering online and distance education.

Meanwhile, I have been able to bring my teaching experience to the Service Canada College, which delivers service excellence and program-related training to thousands of employees across the country. I will be focusing on curriculum as well as content development for an employee engagement program. Meanwhile, I renew my commitment daily to learning and growing as a coach, mentor, and willing participant in the exploration of new ideas.

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