Saturday, September 19, 2009

celebrating 25 years

The day is finally here – our celebration of 25 years will see Alumni gather tonight for a champagne reception and gala dinner/dance. The event could only have been possible with the help of a small core of dedicated fellow grads, every one of whom demonstrates how connected we are to our College and to our program.

There will be a lot of talking tonight about “family” – and I can attest that, once you join the family of PR students and graduates, you never leave. A scan of the current advisory committee members shows that Alumni come back to the program as working professionals, anxious to make a contribution to the program which gave them their start.

Tonight, I am most looking forward to seeing some old friends – some of whom I haven’t seen in many years. I am very pleased to see how many grads are joining us in these celebrations – it is a testament to their loyalty and affection for our program founders, whom we will take some special time tonight to thank for setting us along this path.

I look forward to telling you all about it in the next post…

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