Thursday, June 01, 2006


... just got home from Friendly Manitoba.

On this leg of our tour, we visited some very small towns. Needless to say, when we showed up with our camera and lights, we caused quite a stir in little Carberry, Manitoba. People mostly watched from their shop windows, but the ladies still slipped down the sidewalk to their hairdressing appointments... I briefed a few of them, whose shops I visited - so they will have the inside track tomorrow over coffee. No one from the local newspaper showed up, but I expect that the news of our visit will spread just the same.

My job is to ensure we capture testimonials from the people we are visiting: we need to hear how people are responding to Service Canada's presence in the community, who is partnering with us to make it happen, and most of all, we are hearing from some wonderful staff who sincerely, passionately believe in what we are doing with the Service Canada approach.

I truly believe in what we are doing, and feel so grateful to have had the chance to help to tell this story. This is the stuff that gets me up in the morning.

And in that respect, again, I count my blessings: how many people get the chance to work with passionate people, doing work they love, and actually make a positive difference in people's lives along the way?

So far, we've had over 20 interviews over the last nine days! We're working long, long hours, but I feel like I'm back birthing a ballet again. When I was Communications Director for Ottawa Ballet -- with Frank Augustyn as our Artistic Director -- we launched several original works, the most important of which was an adaptation of HCAndersen's Tin was six months of very hard work, but when the time finally arrived, I wept all the way through the full dress rehearsal.

There is nothing -- nothing -- like the joy that comes from creating art.

On this project, I'm getting the chance to tell some great stories, which will help a very large and worthy organization galvanize and feel both valued and appreciated. It will have a significant impact on a lot of people, in a lot of very positive ways: we can use footage for training videos, instructional packages, in our internal newsletter, the list goes on and on...

These days, it's good to be a public servant. Good to be part of Service Canada. Good to be alive!

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