Friday, February 10, 2017

The Power of Story

I am fascinated by story. But more than that, I am held together by it.
Story makes everything make sense for me.
Story allows me to Build Boxes when I need them.
Story helps me regain perspective.
Story enables me to reconcile with painful experiences and move on.
Story allows me to put judgement aside and replace it with Love.
Story empowers me to channel my emotions in constructive and creative ways.

Ok, I hear you: Story is also the work of Rationalization. The number one way to talk yourself into or out of things you maybe shouldn’t. Storytelling in times of extreme stress can – as I have experienced a few times now – be a hazardous game. I count on my audience feedback to sometimes call me on stuff (thank you). But it is a HUGE comfort, and great therapy.

I will be doing a lot of storytelling in the months to come, as our mental health campaign ramps up. Mine is a victory story: one of how a supportive employer, access to great therapy, and a gracious partner have helped me come through an experience that not so many years ago might have been much more devastating to me. I would likely have suffered in silence, too ashamed to seek help. I shudder to think of it now – and that is how far we’ve come in de-stigmatizing mental illness.

Hallelujah. All Power to the Story.

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