Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Year of Feminine Power

When I started planning the Gathering of My Inspiring Women party, little did I know that I had picked the same day that many marches of solidarity were going to be taking place around the globe. There was something in the air on Saturday, January 21st. The Feminine Spirit was out and making itself heard.

My party started innocently enough as an excuse to get some of my best, most inspiring women friends together to bash a piƱata my kid sister had made for me. As the date grew closer, I realized that what made these women so special to me was what they had come to represent: values I respect and want to emulate in my own life. Here was the gathering of my Women Angels:
·         Christine: a compassionate leader, and woman of faith, she is SPIRIT.
·         Nancy: someone who lives life to the fullest, and shines light on all around her, she is PASSION.
·         Gabrielle: this woman has a wide-open heart, and is afraid of nothing. She is COURAGE.
·         Liza: my step-mother is the embodiment of GRACE. She is gracious, kind, and caring to the core.
·         Diana: her sister, a fine artist who captures the best in everything she sees, she is BEAUTY.
·         Cathy: my best friend, she has been through wars with her ex husband, and survived a cancer scare, yet through it all she is LOVE.
·         Sarah: her sister, with a smile that lights up the world, and a heart focused on helping others, she is LIGHT.
·         Heather: this young woman met me when I was teaching, and she symbolizes all of the best of our future generations. She is LIFE.
·         Jennifer: although we met through work , I connected deeply with this woman who has shown me how to bring INTEGRITY and intention to everything I do.

I wanted these women to know what an important part of my life they have been, and will continue to be, as I work on reinventing myself for 2017 and beyond. As I rewrite my life script, reshape my character’s back story, these are the qualities I will bring forward with me. Even as I struggle to reconcile with the pain and humiliation of an icky end to my marriage, I am going to follow Michelle Obama’s mantra and Go High. I will not let resentment and anger win. But nor will I roll over and play dead. I know what I need to get through this, and it starts with gathering my own village of women around to support me – they are the wind beneath my wings.

I encourage you to look around your circle of friends. Who are the ones who bring out the best in you? Who exemplifies the best qualities? Who are your role models? Make a list. See how you are surrounded by Angels. And yes, invite them over to your house one day for a little Diva Stew. The brew they will leave with you will strengthen and nourish you to face whatever may come.

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