Thursday, October 25, 2012

jumping back in

I think I've got it down to a manageable piece now: it's going to be Facebook and LinkedIn for me.
Conversations2013 is going to pull me into the world of social in a big way over the next seven-and-a-half months, and it's easy to be overwhelmed - so I'm picking Facebook and LinkedIn.

I've been silent on this blog lately. Most of my thoughts have been either about politics or about my job - neither of which I'm prepared to comment on in a public forum. My friends know what's going on, and how I feel, and that's enough for me.

But my opinions about my profession -  how excited I am about the conference we're planning for next June, and how proud I am to be doing something Big for once - those I'm more than happy to share with the world. It's been so long since I've led anything of any real importance. It feels amazing: scary, nerve-wracking, inspiring, and thrilling all at once. Once in a while, technology gets my goat - our blog, for example, is set up in something called Joomla, but man oh man, it's not intuitive at all to use. I am completely stymied at the moment. Now I know that this, too, shall pass, but it's emblematic of the cliff I am trying to avoid as I lead this amazing team towards our goal.

Franklin Holtforster spoke at our Take the Leap conference in February, and left me with a message that has been a beacon of sanity for me from that moment on: a leader's job is to inspire and motivate. Period. I am a doer, you see - I want to tackle that Joomla thing until it's consumed whole evenings of time with cursing and general bad-temperedness.

I am fortunate to have an amazing - I mean, amazing - team of volunteers who are jumping in to this challenge, and they will solve my Joomlas for me. It's my job to set and keep the course, run interference for them and get them what they need, and most of all, to celebrate how fortunate we are to have their commitment to putting our chapter on the map with one of the best national conferences in memory.

Yep, I'm jumping back in all right. Woo hoo!

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