Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Public Relations and leading change

As a PR practitioner, I very much take to heart our calling:

Public Relations is the strategic management of relationships between an organization and its diverse publics, through the use of communication, to achieve mutual understanding, realize organizational goals, and serve the public interest. (Flynn, Valin, Gregory, CPRS 2009)

What a blessing to work in a profession that is focused on being a change agent, and on being what I like to call “a force for good”. Over the years, I’ve opened new public facilities, brought a new audience to classical ballet, and helped change the relationship between citizens and their government. Lofty goals, all, to be sure. I am a passionate worker who is at her best when driven by a sense of purpose.

But since joining the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) board, and getting involved in our professional development program, I feel I’m finally getting a chance to take it to a higher level. I’m getting to do what I’ve always wanted to do: some PR for the Public Relations profession.

In response to societal stigma and negative stereotypes about mental illness, people often conceal symptoms and fail to seek treatment.

Changing the Conversation about Mental Health: this is the headline for CPRS’ upcoming PD session. It’s been an intensely personal experience for me, as I’ve had to work hard to pitch and position the session in such a way as to attract a large and – I hope – influential audience. I want the bloggers and the journalists, the HR professionals and public health practitioners, to come and join in a social movement.

We’re just catching a wave – companies and celebrities are starting to step up with money and support for those isolated individuals who are in mortal danger right now. But with every conversation, each time you bring it up, share your own experiences – and we all have our own stories – we can make it feel just a little bit safer to talk about how mental illness has affected our lives.


Laura said...

Great post. It's so important to keep talking about supporting mental health issues. It's very comforting to know that the CPRS is pushing this topic as well. It's truly amazing how much power PR/Marketing folks actually have.

Lea Werthman said...

Laura, thanks for your comment. I appreciate knowing that someone shares my passion for this issue!