Friday, August 28, 2009

meeting Claudine Wilson

1984- In addition to writing the usual entrance exams on current events and writing ability, PR program founders Claudine Wilson and Robin Dorrell personally interviewed all of the first PR students (a practice which they were, sadly, forced to abandon shortly after). Claudine and I met, and it was magical. We had so much in common: we both had English degrees, were both only children who lost their mothers early to cancer. Through the luxury of the hour or so we spent chatting in her office, we hit it off immediately.

Claudine clearly and succinctly painted a picture of her vision of Public Relations' highest calling: to bring the right information and people together, at the right moment, to inspire people to move mountains in order to affect a positive change in the world. In that moment, my love of words, my love of storytelling, and my love of organizing found a home. Claudine showed me what a creative force PR could be. I was mesmerized.

This was my calling - I had always been doing it, but had simply not known it had a name. I was over the moon when I got the phone call that I had passed the exams and had been accepted into the program. I've never looked back.

Of course, Claudine was to become my first mentor and one of my closest friends. I am so pleased - and feel honoured - to have shared these last 25 years with her. She has a cherished place in many of the stories I will be sharing on this blog over the next 24 days.

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