Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas reclaimed!

For years now, I've called Christmas the Season of Should. I can't really remember the last time I really enjoyed the holidays, or the chaos that accompanies me to the malls and shops during these last few weeks of every year.

Don't get me wrong, I still delight in seeing just the right thing go to just the right person. But most of the persons in my life have everything they need, and most of the things they want. We've moved into the time in our lives when it's all just more crap to accommodate in an already crowded life.

This year, we said enough. I will not buy any more crap, nor do I want any more in my home. Instead, we did all of our shopping at the old Foster Parents Plan - now called Plan Canada. By spending the same amount of money we once would have dropped at Walmart - in a decidedly miserable mood and grumbling all the way - we have now sponsored a veritable menagerie of farm animals, medical supplies, books and other things which will actually make a difference in someone's life.

More important than the avoided stress is the reclaimed Season of Giving.
I'm still eating turkey, though!

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