Saturday, December 02, 2006

If those knobs on Global had just listened to Mr. Rae's comments in French, they would understand:
"It is not the place of the man who came third to decide who comes first".
At least, that's what I heard.
No one was doing simultaneous translation, and I could actually hear it for myself. I thought it was perfect.
Later, the cameras caught Ignatieff quieting his workers to give his old room mate and lifelong friend the space he needed to speak to his people.

I loved seeing two gentlemen practice politics.

My Aunt Lorraine has been trying to tell me for years that I need to learn to speak French, yes; but she hopes more than anything that I come to see how beautiful, graceful, and gracious a language it is. She wants me to come to love it as she does. To open my mind, and my world, to our French-Canadian culture and heritage. To open my heart to a big part of what makes me who I am.

Seeing someone like Bob Rae say such a beautiful thing in French inspires me. And I hope he said it to someone, somewhere, in English as well...

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