Saturday, December 02, 2006

If those knobs on Global had just listened to Mr. Rae's comments in French, they would understand:
"It is not the place of the man who came third to decide who comes first".
At least, that's what I heard.
No one was doing simultaneous translation, and I could actually hear it for myself. I thought it was perfect.
Later, the cameras caught Ignatieff quieting his workers to give his old room mate and lifelong friend the space he needed to speak to his people.

I loved seeing two gentlemen practice politics.

My Aunt Lorraine has been trying to tell me for years that I need to learn to speak French, yes; but she hopes more than anything that I come to see how beautiful, graceful, and gracious a language it is. She wants me to come to love it as she does. To open my mind, and my world, to our French-Canadian culture and heritage. To open my heart to a big part of what makes me who I am.

Seeing someone like Bob Rae say such a beautiful thing in French inspires me. And I hope he said it to someone, somewhere, in English as well...

Friday, December 01, 2006


I don't even know if I've spelled it correctly; imagine having Russian as your third language.
He reminds me of my beloved Aunt Lorraine.
that's a very good thing...

no rehearsals, please...

... a little Jimmy Stewart, (my PR practitioner was screaming "stop with the Mr. Smith, already...!"), but very sincere. He needs to stop licking his lips so much...
I certainly believe his sincerity.

Justin speaks...

...I miss his father. Justin learned very well from him, didn't he?
Gerard, on the other hand, left me a little flat. Nice words, not much content.
Pretty presumptuous "heir to the throne" stuff...
the plot thickens.

the intersection of the People and the Planet...

economic prosperity and social justice...
the People and the Planet...
yes, the core of Who We Are as Liberals...
how lovely was Stéphane Dion...?
this is going to be a very interesting evening...