Friday, July 15, 2005

I get it

It's taken me 44 years, but I finally get golf.
I've always gotten parts of it, I guess -- I like walking, and I like being in the sun; I certainly like having a couple of beers with my friends. (Lately, the cart's been fun, too...:-)
But I never really got it. Maybe the golf sucked (likely!). Maybe the company. Maybe, as my friend Mike says, "I'm still making love to my wife -- I'm not ready for golf yet!"

But last weekend, I got it. The perfect day, the sun not too hot, the shots not too bad, and the company perfect.
Nice little course, great people I don't have enough occasion to see otherwise, and I was in my happy place.

It's a great way to get some business done, too. Trapped together for a few hours, what else is there to do but chat? And if business is what you have in common, it's hard to talk of much else. It's a nice, defined, safe area for conversation if you're shy or awkward (or into things people have no business knowing about! :-) But then again, you can "bond" and all that -- I've met some of my best friends through my work. Generally speaking, the people you meet through work are often like-minded in many ways.

Yep, I can handle the golf.
As long as the shots are ok.
- And I'll still do the other thing, too, so so much for that theory, Mike!

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