Sunday, July 09, 2017

Space, and the Space Between

This New and Improved Lea has certainly learned some shit in the last six months. Mostly, I have learned how to be in relationship with myself: I listen to the wisdom of my body, honour and speak my truth, and I am being reborn.

In my time listening to Louise Lebrun’s teachings, the concept of The Space Between captured my imagination and became the entry point for a conversation with myself about what my body is telling me. More importantly, she introduced me to the concept of the space in between all of those cells of organic matter that make up this amazing piece of biological machinery that carries me around.

This is the place where the energy that is my unique life force moves and makes its magic. That Space Between, when I embrace its possibility, can be called upon for help when I have back pain. I imagine it filling with strong liquid strength, shoring up my spine where it has been weakened.  

I feel its strength as I stand taller, shoulders back, lifting my heart to the sky when I take my daily walks. I feel its strength wrapping around my fragile heart, holding the pieces together in those crying sessions where I find I have tapped into a lifetime’s worth of unshed tears. And its presence will keep me company as I enter this next phase of my journey: the DETOX.

Space is more than the final frontier. It is the place where possibility exists. In my ongoing discovery of what I Am Becoming, I know that I need to create Space for myself to just be. That involves making some deliberate choices and making some changes. I need to focus on the present, and to dream big about the future I am creating.

The first thing to go for my Detox is Facebook. In the last several months, I have seen how Facebook has had the power to undo me in a single “update”. I started carefully unfollowing people, trying to create a news feed that wouldn’t hurt me every time I looked at it. And then it finally dawned on me: JUST STOP.

Not forever. I love the community, I love the possibility, and I still want to share important milestones with my facebook friends. But for a while, I am going to go without. Consider it a cleanse. I will do a deep dive into my work, spend real quality face time with people I love, keep embracing my Space Between, and ultimately this space and time will help me put my Great Sadness in perspective.

See you in a bit. Now go play in the garden, hang out with a friend, see some theatre, play a guitar, sing a song -  dance!