Thursday, May 08, 2008


Love it or hate it (again) - blasted "technology"! 
It's made even worse when you crave it and can't get to it...
let me explain ... I have been locked out of my blog for months, caught in a silly technical sinkhole of forgotten passwords, "upgrading" interfaces, and job changes. I was able to get my satisfaction from blogging at H&K while I was there, but since I have returned to Service Canada, I have effectively been locked out of two blogs. (and of course, as a public servant, I am unable to access social media from behind the Fire Wall... but that's another subject!)

At any rate, with much relief, I finally figured out how to get back into this blog tonight, and look forward to sharing a whole lot of thoughts on ICT, the life of a bureaucrat, and on the profession of public relations. But first, to fill in some of the gaps in my narrative, here are some thoughts forged in the crucible of my adventures at Hill and Knowlton...